

Here you will find all the information you need to be school-ready, from uniforms, to school supplies, cafeteria services and importante dates. 


  • August 12: New families Orientation at 1:30 PM (K - 5th grade)
  • August 14 - 18: PK3 and PK4 Hopes and Dreams Conferences
  • August 14: First day of school for K-12th (Rotation Day 1)
  • August 14: PK4 Orientation
  • August 15: First day of school for PK4
  • August 15: PK3 Orientation
  • August 16: First day of school for PK3
  • August 19: Competitive Sports begin 1st-12th grade
  • August 26: Open House grades PK3 - 1st 
  • August 28: Open Houses grades  2nd - 5th 

View the entire calendar here


School gates open at 7:00 am with all students expected to be at school by 7:50 am. Students are required to be in class by 8:00 am.

Students depart campus at 3:10 pm unless they are enrolled in Competitive Sports.

Every Wednesday, students will be dismissed at 12:25 pm for faculty and staff to engage in professional development opportunities.

It is important for parents to communicate all student absences and requests for early dismissals to the Elementary Office. Email: Emely Elias (elias.emely@amschool.edu.sv


All students must wear the proper school uniform to school each day:


All Elementary students are assigned to one of the four Trojan Houses for their entire Elementary years: Orange, Purple, Green, and Yellow. Students are required to have their Trojan House color shirt as part of their PE uniform.

The Trojan House shirt will not replace the regular PE uniform, instead, it is in addition to and will be worn at designated times throughout the school year including every Friday and House Assemblies. 



Monday - Friday from 7:30 am - 4:00 pm 

Get personalized assistance  by scheduling an appointment at 2528-8293

or visit the Trojan Store online.

Trojan Store


Grade-level school supplies can be purchased at the Trojan Store. Online access to the Trojan Store is available once a student is enrolled for the school year.

The Trojan store has specially crafted grade-specific kits, packed with the finest school supply brands, to make the getting ready for school process as smooth  as possible for parents. 

Click here to view lists per grade level 

We invite you to visit the Trojan Store on the following schedule: Monday - Friday from 7:30 am - 4:00 pm or visit the Trojan Store online.

Trojan Store


Cafeteria Services for Elementary School will be done through "Loncheritas" / pre-packed meals and will be available as follows:


  • Menus will be available for purchase online through MyEA portal starting on Thursday, August 1st. Menus for the following four weeks will be available for planning purposes.
  • Parents can make their selection for service either daily or for specific dates, per child.

  • Food service for students will start on the first day of school Wednesday, August 14th

  • Take note that Loncheritas must be purchased at least 24 hours in advance.

  • In case of emergencies, if a Loncherita has not been purchased, last-minute orders can be taken before 8 am via email at cafeteriaservices@amschool.edu.sv.

  • If your child did not attend school due to sickness,
    you can reschedule your Loncheritas at no additional charge, by reporting their absence via email before 8 am cafeteriaservices@amschool.edu.sv.


  • Students in PK4 through 1st grade will have their Loncheritas delivered to their eating area for their lunchtime.
  • Students in grades 2 - 5 will be given their Loncheritas in the Cafetorium at lunchtime.
  • Students from PK3 to 1st grade need to bring their snacks each day.
  • Parents can transfer funds (Trojan Bucks) to their children’s ID cards (2nd to 5th-grade students only) so that they can buy snacks during break starting on Friday, August 9th.


This program is offered Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and/or Friday (depending on the sport) from 3:10-4:30 p.m. for students in Grades 1 - 5 only.

A variety of age-appropriate sports are offered, which include: Basketball, Soccer, Volleyball, Handball, Table Tennis, and Track and Field. All students need to wear the proper PE uniform for practice. 

You may enroll your child in Competitive Sports and purchase the athletic uniform as part of the Registration Process from June 12 to August 23.

Uniforms will be delivered to students in October.